Our homeschool competitive teams are designed to offer a broad-based, affordable competitive experience outside the traditional development program to attract and retain a diverse group of athletes. At Xtreme, we continuously grow our homeschool team athletics program to reflect the needs of our diverse community. Our homeschool team functions under the Xcel gymnastics program offering 4 different levels. We strive to develop confidence, the ability to receive constructive criticism, and evolve teamwork skills. Team athletes will have a safe place to compete and train throughout the year. Our team athletes will participate in 3 to 6 competitions every year and will have a leotard and warm-ups as part of the team.
Is your athlete interested in joining our homeschool team Xcel program? CALL US to schedule and evaluation with one of our coaches or register to attend our annual team try-outs in the spring.

Xcel Bronze
The minimum age requirement for the Bronze division is 5 years old (meaning the gymnast must be 5 before she competes in her first meet). The Bronze division is similar in skill requirements to the JO Program's levels 1-2. These gymnasts will practice 4 hours a week.
Xcel Silver
The minimum age requirement for the Silver division is 6 years old (meaning the gymnast must be 6 before she competes in her first meet). The Silver division is similar in skill requirements to the JO Program's levels 3 and 4. Silver gymnasts practice 6 hours a week.
Xcel Gold
The minimum age requirement for the Gold division is 7 years old (meaning the gymnast must be 7 before she competes in her first meet). The gold division is similar in skill requirements to the JO Program's levels 4-6. Gold gymnasts practice 6-9 hours per week and are eligible for State and Regional meets.
Xcel Platinum
The minimum age requirement for the Platinum division is 8 years old (meaning the gymnast must be 8 before she competes in her first meet). The platinum division is similar in skill requirements to the JO Program's levels 5-7. Platinum athletes practice 9 hours a week during the school year and have the choice to practice 9-12 hours in the summer months.