What's new at Xtreme Gymnastics?

Come join us for our next School's Out Camp at Xtreme Gymnastics! Does your little one need a fun place to spend their day off of school? Sign up today for our President's Day camp on February 17th.

Is your birthday coming up? We'd love to celebrate with you! Book your party today at Xtreme Gymnastics and let us take care of the fun.

A gift for everyone this Valentine's Day! Bring the kids out for Open Gym this Valentine's weekend and enjoy your Valentine's date worry free. Friday morning 9:30-11:00am (toddlers only), Friday evening 7:30-9:00pm (open tumble 6:30-7:20), and Saturday afternoon 12:30-2:00pm.

The coaches and staff at Xtreme Gymnastics are one of a kind! We give you the best of the best because you deserve it. 

O U R   C O R E   V A L U E S   A N D   V I S I O N


C o n t i n u o u s 

I m p r o v e m e n t



C o l l a b o r a t i v e 

T e a m w o r k



C u s t o m e r 

C o m m i t m e n t



H e a l t h y   a n d   

B a l a n c e d   L i v i n g



P o s i t i v e   F u n 

E n v i r o n m e n t



P u r s u e   P a s s i o n 

a n d   P u r p o s e


Our vision here at Xtreme Gymnastics is to give generously of our resources in order to empower and support our employees. As they embrace our core values, we create a culture of mentorship and excellence that filters down to our athletes and the entire gym family.